When someone has a substance use disorder (SUD), it is not uncommon for them to have a co-occurring mental health disorder. They might even have more than one. These may include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or bipolar disorder.
Having SUD and another mental health disorder is like trying to unwind a never-ending ball of string. It’s sometimes impossible to tell which disorder came first. Even if one disorder developed first, it may not have caused the other. There are often root causes that contribute to the development of each disorder. Once each disorder develops, however, they usually exacerbate each other.
SUD and Co-occurring Disorders Are Brain Diseases
Addiction changes brain function, which can leave the person more susceptible to developing a mental health disorder. A mental health disorder can also change the brain, making the person prone to addiction. Someone with a mental health disorder may turn to drugs or alcohol in an attempt to quell their anxiety. This form of self-medicating can be dangerous and addictive.
The highest risk factors for having a SUD and a co-occurring mental health disorder are genetics, stress, and trauma. This is a complicated, precarious, physiological, and psychological condition. In essence, it’s a house of cards. When a brain is so jumbled with misfiring signals and altered chemistry, the person can’t think clearly.
What to Do if Your Loved One Has an Addiction and a Co-occurring Mental Health Disorder
A person struggling with addiction and a co-occurring mental health disorder is walking a treacherous line. Both issues need to be treated at the same time. The best thing you can do is reach out to a mental health professional for help. The staff at A New Hope Recovery is fully accredited and licensed in treating this type of health condition.
The first step will be to have your loved one evaluated by a professional. In addition, the professional should interview you and your family. They need to gather this information to formulate a treatment plan. Your loved one’s health history and life experiences are important to review.
A Loved One’s Impaired Mental Health Affects the Whole Family
When a family member is physically ill, the family should understand that they need help and want to take care of them. Unfortunately, the same can’t always be said for addiction and mental health disorders. Addiction alone is complicated to understand. Combining that with another mental health disorder further clouds an already confusing circumstance.
Each co-occurring disorder carries its own set of symptoms which are too numerous to list here. Many symptoms overlap in how they present. It will help you and the therapist to keep a log of your loved one’s abnormal behaviors. Additionally, take note of any changes in personality and/or temperament.
An Intervention May Be the Key to Unlocking the Root Cause of Your Loved One’s Co-occurring Disorders
The inherent problem when someone has co-occurring disorders is their inability to recognize that they’re ill. This can be centered around their diseased brain. How can a person who isn’t thinking rationally be expected to confront their dual diagnosis? This is when an intervention can help unlock what’s buried deep inside their psyche.
A New Hope Recovery specializes in orchestrating and conducting interventions. They have a high success rate and consider an intervention to be a loving, caring, and life-saving act. Their evidenced-based, four-step model utilizes a family-centric approach to uncover the co-occurring disorder’s root cause. Upon your first call to them, they can mobilize and facilitate an intervention within 48 hours.
The Entire Family Needs Treatment and Healing
The afflicted person is not the only one struggling. Their erratic and bewildering behavior can play havoc with family stability and routines. Suddenly, everyone is focusing on this person. Everything starts to revolve around that person. This is not healthy for anyone.
Becoming so entrenched in this toxic relationship is detrimental to the family unit. A New Hope Recovery is experienced at providing family counseling and therapy. They have decades of experience in the mental health field.
A Professional Intervention Has Many Benefits
How long have you and your family been trying to deal with your impaired loved one? You’ve probably spent countless hours attempting to reason with them to quit their addiction. While you’re aware that they’ve been behaving strangely, you’ve probably dismissed it. The ongoing stress is taking its toll on everyone, and you’ve decided that you need help.
During your first conversation with A New Hope Recovery’s interventionist, you’ll probably feel the pressure lifting from your shoulders. There’s comfort in knowing that a trained professional is at the helm, taking care of your family. Relief comes when you know that a resolution can be found. There is hope!
When a family is energy-depleted and lost, a third party can help family members communicate, reconcile, and begin to work together again. While the interventionist is compassionate and caring, they also remain impartial and objective. This allows them to mediate all conversations, even when emotions run high.
Dealing with a loved one who has an addiction is challenging. If they have a co-occurring mental health disorder, the challenges become even greater. It’s vital to get help as soon as possible. At A New Hope Recovery, we are trained in how to help the person with SUD and their family as well. Our high success rate reflects our exceptional standards for care. Our staff performs professional evaluations, interventions, and referrals to treatment centers across the country. We are compassionate, professional, caring, and supportive. When you contact us, we can answer all your questions and help allay your concerns and fears. For more information about our services, call us at (407) 501-8490.