It can be confusing if you suspect your loved one has an addiction. People with addictions become masters at hiding them. However, this takes energy and guile. Eventually, their efforts erode, and their caution begins to slip. The family wonders what is happening to their loved one. Soon, their excuses and your excuses for them are no longer valid.
You may notice a personality change but disregard it because everyone has bad days. Your partner’s work called that they came back from lunch a bit tipsy. You don’t mind picking them up again. The worst was when your son or daughter got arrested for driving while intoxicated.
As the signs get worse, so does your concern. You have mixed feelings, though. You don’t want to make waves. You don’t want to ask a lot of questions and appear mistrustful. A strong fear of conflict might keep you silent.
Suspect an Addiction? Learn to Recognize the Signs
The first line of defense is knowledge. Before you can have a conversation about addiction, you need to arm yourself with the facts. For example, you may suspect your loved one is addicted to alcohol. Learning the signs of alcohol use disorder (AUD) will give you a baseline of information. You can then begin to evaluate your suspicion of addiction.
AUD is not the only form of addiction you might suspect, of course. Perhaps you are worried because you think a family member has a problem with drugs. These types of addictions can be even more insidious. While drinking alcohol is socially acceptable, drug use is not. Little red flags have no doubt surfaced to give you a vague, uneasy feeling that something is wrong. Learning the warning signs of drug use disorder can fortify your resolve to take action. Process addictions are the third type of addiction that are important to understand if you suspect your loved one may be struggling.
Another way to learn about the effects of addiction is to call a professional for answers. A New Hope Recovery specializes in cases of alcohol and drug use disorder and more. They can answer your questions and offer avenues of treatment.
Record Your Loved One’s Behavior if You Suspect Addiction
Addiction is a stealth thief. It slowly and completely takes over a person’s ability to make good choices. It’s crucial to understand that it’s not their fault. Addiction is a brain disease and it’s treatable.
A valuable tool is to write down your observations and input from other people. Make a note each time you’re contacted about your partner’s behavior. Trust your own judgment. Are they having more drinks during social gatherings? Were they not okay to drive? These indicators will create a diagnostic picture for a counselor.
A Question of Addiction Can Adversely Affect Your Family
People behave differently when they’re stressed. Trying to ascertain whether or not your loved one has an addiction is highly stressful. You may think that you’re successfully hiding your worry and concern, but this level of sustained anxiety can’t be concealed.
It’s human nature to pick up on the energy of others — good or bad. Family members are close and naturally become somewhat empathic with each other. Children are especially sensitive to the moods of others. While your distress about your loved one is valid, you unwittingly may be upsetting your family’s normal balance.
Your Suspicion Is Confirmed, and You’ve Decided to Ask For Help
You’re now certain that your loved one is struggling with addiction. You can no longer handle the stress, and you’ve reached your breaking point. It’s okay to ask for help; it’s healthy to ask for help. You shouldn’t have to handle this alone.
All staff members at A New Hope Recovery are accredited, trained, and licensed. They have decades of experience helping people with SUD, AUD, and other mental health issues. The clinic offers interventions, counseling, evaluations, and case management.
It May Be Time for an Intervention
The word “intervention” comes from “intervene.” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary has several definitions for “intervene,” the most relevant being: “to interfere with the outcome or course, especially of a condition or process.” An intervention interferes with the afflicted person’s addiction rituals, mindset, and culture in a healing way.
The interventionist at A New Hope Recovery is proficient in orchestrating and conducting a professional intervention. The purpose of this process is to not only treat the patient, but also the entire family. After all, the whole family has been adversely affected by the person’s disorder. They will guide and support you through every step, including recovery.
An Intervention Is a Healthy Step for Everyone
A New Hope Recovery will conduct an evidence-based, four-step process intervention. It’s a loving and life-saving act meant to rescue the person who is struggling with a substance addiction. The interventionist will gather information about the afflicted person as well as the other attendees. This will inform them on how to interact with each participant.
An important aspect of having an expert facilitate and lead the intervention is their impartiality. Since they are not personally involved with anyone, they can remain objective. Their function is to mediate and bring about constructive change. This will ultimately lead to treatment and recovery.
Suspecting that a family member may have an addiction can be frightening and stressful. Not knowing how to handle this situation and the worry it brings adds to your stress. At A New Hope Recovery, we understand and respect that your family dynamic is complicated. Our goal is to help alleviate your anxiety by answering your questions and providing treatment options. Asking for help from our highly experienced staff is a healthy and liberating action. We have successfully helped people across the United States and abroad. Don’t waste any more time trying to handle this alone. Call A New Hope Recovery at (407) 501-8490 today for the help and answers you need.